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Light Flash

PostPosted: Tue Dec 04, 2012 5:19 pm
by plosey
I have a pdm30 setup and want to flash the headlights off a button on the steering wheel.

Scenario is the headlights are on, Using a momentary so Toggle Headlight Request = Headlights on

While on and while off we want to be able to flash those headlights using another momentary button to flash the lights in a .5 on .2 off flash.

Any help is appreciated.

Re: Light Flash

PostPosted: Wed Dec 05, 2012 9:17 am
by MattW
FlashCondition =
____pulse(FlashButton, edge=rising, width=2.8s)

Headlight =
____toggle(LightsButton , edge=rising)
____FlashCondition = false
____flash(FlashCondition=true, true time=0.50s, false time=0.20s)

Change this as you like. The width in FlashCondtion will decide how many times it flashes.
0.50s + 0.20s * [amount of flashes desired] = width)