Combine Outputs

Discussion and support for MoTeC Power Distribution Modules

Combine Outputs

Postby Jakob on Mon Jan 16, 2012 11:01 am


is the reason why combining 8 A and 20 A outputs is not allowed, that the current will be shared equaly and then the 8 A outputs maybe get overloaded or are there other reasons?

If I want e.g. switch 32 A continuous and I've only one 20 A and three 8 A outputs left, can I combine this four outputs?


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Joined: Thu Mar 24, 2011 3:56 am

Re: Combine Outputs

Postby JamieA on Tue Jan 17, 2012 11:24 am

The problem is that they will try to evenly share the load, so you will trip out the 8a output, when you go above 8a, leaving the 20a output running by itself...

You could either join all 3 8a outputs together, or use the 20.

I would suggest that you take one of your existing 8a outputs, and swap it for the 20a that you have spare.

you could then join the 4 8amp outputs together, giving you 32a total.


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