M1 to PDM ignition, fuel pump setup sequence

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M1 to PDM ignition, fuel pump setup sequence

Postby Islandworks on Tue Jan 28, 2025 10:12 am

I'm trying to get a good setup for the "ACC" between the motec can keypad, the PDM30 and the M150.

In have a killswitch that powers the CAN-devices and then 3 levels on the ACC.

0- Nothing
1- Light up dash and ECU
2- Ignition, inhjection on and prime fuel pump

All communication between PDM and ECU is via Can and the same network that has the keypads.

I'm however having an issue with how to setup so the ACC so that the fuel pumps only prime once I'm att ACC 2. As it is now the can message to run the pumps comes from the M150 as soon as the ECU lights up and that is too soon.

I was playing around with the engine run switch but could not get it to run over Can bus from PDM as that is not a button but rather a function in the PDM.

What's the best way to do this following other good examples?
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Re: M1 to PDM ignition, fuel pump setup sequence

Postby Stephen Dean on Tue Jan 28, 2025 10:26 am


The M1 will send a Prime request for the Fuel Pump when the following conditions are met.

The fuel pump is activated as soon as the engine starts to turn.
Priming commences when the engine run switch is On and Fuel Pump Prime is > 0.
The pump will not run when the engine run switch is Off.

If the Engine Run Switch is defaulted to On (Base setting) then the Fuel Prime will prime each time the M! is powered up.

In my PDM, I have configured the Engine Run Switch from the Keypad Button using a Toggle Function.

toggle(Button.Ignition.Main, edge=rising)
and Switch.Master = true.

This code checks that the Master switch is active and toggles the state of the function with each button press.

I then transmit the state of this Function into the M1 as a Driver Switch to control the Engine Run Switch.
Stephen Dean
MoTeC Research Centre Melbourne, Australia
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Re: M1 to PDM ignition, fuel pump setup sequence

Postby Islandworks on Tue Jan 28, 2025 10:58 am

Thanks! This would solve my issue.

I had a look at it and will have to figure out how to configure a drivers switch in the M150 to read a can output from the PDM I guess?
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Re: M1 to PDM ignition, fuel pump setup sequence

Postby Stephen Dean on Tue Jan 28, 2025 11:14 am


If you post the configuration files from the PDM and M1 I can help with that.
Stephen Dean
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Re: M1 to PDM ignition, fuel pump setup sequence

Postby Islandworks on Wed Jan 29, 2025 4:30 am

Both files enclosed.

I'm trying to get the driver switch to be sent from PDM to ECU once master.acc.counter=2. This in turn makes master.acc.state_ignition=true.

I've tried to map engine run switch to driver switch 1, but cannot figure out the CAN -> ECU way of working.

Happy for any help I can get!
PDM IW.pdm
PDM config
(202.58 KiB) Downloaded 23 times
IW964 base map.m1pkg-archive
M150 base map
(2.14 MiB) Downloaded 13 times
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Re: M1 to PDM ignition, fuel pump setup sequence

Postby Stephen Dean on Wed Jan 29, 2025 9:58 am


I have made some changes to the attached files, can you load them and test them thanks.

I changed the Engine Capacity from 3800 litres to 3.8 litres as well.
PDM IW.pdm
(202.6 KiB) Downloaded 17 times
GPR (M150) [01.11.0000, July 2019] 1 , Islandworks 964 base map import 1.m1pkg-archive
(2.28 MiB) Downloaded 14 times
Stephen Dean
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