Using new CAN Keypad to Control Boost and ECU Functions

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Using new CAN Keypad to Control Boost and ECU Functions

Postby HKS_TRD on Mon Apr 20, 2015 4:20 am

I have an M800/SDL/E816/PDM setup which is yet to be wired up but thats coming soon ...
I wanted to find a neat way to select boost settings on the M800 and I noticed the CAN keypads do come with boost up and down stickers, but I'm not sure how this is achieved.
From what I read the CAN Keypad can hook up to the PDM and SDL as a switch would, but how does one get it to control ECU functions, is this done indirectly via the SDL?

Ideally I want to have one switch which toggles through boost setting and a second switch which when pressed defaults everything back to no boost control and whatever the wastegate spring is

Is this achievable and can the CAN Keypad be used for this?

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Re: Using new CAN Keypad to Control Boost and ECU Functions

Postby adrian on Tue Apr 21, 2015 4:59 pm

There are a couple of ways to do this but the easiest way is to send the switch channels from the PDM to the SDL and then to the ECU.

Setup the PDM to send out your switch inputs like this (named however you want):Image

Then create a receive template in the dash to receive the channels. The SDL manager is old software and doesn't actually allow you make your own templates, however it will load templates made in our other newer dash managers.

I have created an example of the PDM to SDL and SDL to ECU templates which you can download here. Unzip and save the two files to C:\Program Files (x86)\MoTeC\Dash\Comms Setup and then in SDL manager, go to the Communications setup, click select and load the two templates.

In ECU manager in the CAN setup, select ADL receive and use the default address (1520). Now you can use those switches in your input setup by selecting the source as ADL 1, ADL 2....etc.

The reason for doing it this way is because the ECU uses compound messaging which the PDM can't do. There are ways you can get around it but the above method is the most efficient way.
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Re: Using new CAN Keypad to Control Boost and ECU Functions

Postby HKS_TRD on Wed Apr 22, 2015 12:54 am

Hi Adrian
Thanks for that explanation, that makes sense
As it turns out, I will now be upgrading to an SDL3, will the SDL3 software be able to create the templates I require for the CAN communications?

Once I have crossed the hurdle of getting the information to the ECU I still need to work out if my idea for selecting boost settings is still viable
Basically I want to have one button which every time I press it cycles through the following values
1.0 bar > 1.5Bar > 2.0 bar > 2.5 bar > 1.0 bar > 1.5 bar and so forth

And then have a second button the keypad that when you press it, the boost control is set to off, regardless of where the boost setting was

Also, I wasn't sure if I could just have a different boost setting for each mode of the SDL3 i.e. warmup, practice, and race
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Re: Using new CAN Keypad to Control Boost and ECU Functions

Postby Stephen Dean on Wed Apr 22, 2015 10:29 am


You can setup a boost value button on the PDM keypad using the Counter function.


This will give you a rolling counter that will reset back to zero after reaching the highest number set on the counter. This will also reset back to 0 (or whichever value you want) when the button that you have configured as your reset is pressed.

I send this channel to the ECU (M150 in this case) and it is read as a Driver CAN Switch with a value of 0 ~ 3 and toggles through the different Anti Lag Modes on the ECU.

I also have a function done to generate the LED's on the keypad buttons.


These are setup as follows.

Stephen Dean
MoTeC Research Centre Melbourne, Australia
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Re: Using new CAN Keypad to Control Boost and ECU Functions

Postby HKS_TRD on Fri Apr 24, 2015 9:21 am

Hi Stephen
Many thanks for posting this explanation, it makes perfect sense to me
These new CAN Keypads make me glad I bought a PDM, though I must say it seems that these keypads would be useful even to just use with an ECU alone, is there any way that is possible down the road?
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Re: Using new CAN Keypad to Control Boost and ECU Functions

Postby greenamex2 on Fri Apr 24, 2015 7:01 pm

+1 on that functionality from me as well!
Nissan VQ30DE fitted to an AM Sportscars EX2 with a Hewland HP 2000
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Re: Using new CAN Keypad to Control Boost and ECU Functions

Postby MaxP on Thu Jul 29, 2021 3:44 am

Good evening,
I'm working on a car with M800 and PDM15,
However, where the dashboard is MXL of AIM.
I would be interested in knowing if there is a way to send a message via CAN from PDM15 directly to M800 without going through a SDL.
Specifically, on the car I am working on,
The PDM15 goes to control a solenoid valve for the antilag following the command received from the keypad,
Until here everything works (for information we are using the solenoid valve as all-open or all-closed).
To enable the antilag strategy in the M800,
We need to send information from PDM15 to the M800 that the solenoid valve has been activated.
To the point we arrived now:
We can receive the signal to the M800 like ADL1,
This goes from 0 to 256 in the M800,
But despite this, the strategy in the M800 is not enabled.
Is it therefore possible a solution via CAN?
Or M800 and PDM15 are not compatible for this function?
Thank you if someone can help us with some info.
Thanks and Regards.
Max P
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