Wiper direct method logic

Discussion and support for MoTeC Power Distribution Modules

Re: Wiper direct method logic

Postby the_bluester on Fri Oct 21, 2016 8:05 pm

Just had a look at the config file.

I have not gotten my PDM in the car yet (Time and money) but I have done my switch functions differently. I create a toggle in the functions area (Assuming a toggle is what will drive the output) and use that function to drive the output, it makes it easy to use a single toggle or other function to drive multiple outputs. I think you could simplify yours, I reckon the two wiper park functions you have are complicating things.

So for instance to simplify it I would create a function of "toggle-wiper.switch, edge=rising" and call it something like Function.wipers toggle. Then assuming your park position switch is 12V when the wipers are parked (Mine is grounded) then that input will become true when they are parked. Then in the conditions for output 9, enter "Function.wipers toggle=True OR Wiper.Park input = false"

The essence of both those functions is, press the button and the wiper toggle becomes true and they run, press it again and the wiper toggle becomes false but the park switch input keeps them running until they park and the switch input becomes true.

One question though, if your park input switches to 12V when it is active, have you got a pull down resistor on the switch input? If it does not have one then the input will float high when it is inactive and may not switch. There are internal pull up resistors on the switch inputs that pull them high when off as they are expected usually to be grounded by a switch rather than pulled to battery volts. I ask that as you have a false volts of 10.1 and a true of 10.5V which does not look like much to work with and looks like no pull down is there, if that range was found by watching the input volts you could get false triggering. A pull down resistor (The PDM manual suggests 1.5Kohm .25W) will bring the input down to about a volt when inactive and give you a decent switching range.
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