by Scott@FP on Sat Jul 30, 2011 5:41 am
Don't think the VIM is compatible with ECU's only 2nd and 3rd gen dashes, somebody can confirm this.
No direct input into the Mxxx for thermocouples, amplifier circuit required, such as the Analog Devices AN594 chip.
Another option is the 816/888 expander.
888 you gain 8 TC's (direct wired K type) 8 analogs, and 8 switch/PWM outputs, 4 digitals and 2 switched inputs, you lose 4 inj outputs and if you assign tables to all 8 of the 888 outputs you lose all 8 inj trim tables in the M8xx. If you only assign the 4 tables lost on the M8xx to the 888 outputs you then have 4 888 outputs with tables, and 4 with no tables. Not exactly sure how it would work on an M400.
816 has 16 AV's, two AT's, 4 digital inputs, 2 switched inputs, and 8 outputs.
All over the CAN.