turning backlight on????

Discussion and support for current Advanced Dash Loggers, Sport Dash Loggers and Club dash loggers

turning backlight on????

Postby zxrjohn14 on Thu Dec 03, 2009 9:14 am

this may be a daft question to some, but i'm new to motec.
i have an sdl dash on my bike and it has no light on.
i have gone into the software (dash manager where it has tabs PRACTICE, WARM-UP, RACE AND BACKLIGHT) and it says it is on and at 100% brightness, but is not on on the actual dash.
am i missing something? do i go to another bit of the software to turn it on?
i bought the bike with it all on and set up so i don't know if its ever worked or even has a light.
thank you for any help
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Re: turning backlight on????

Postby IJ. on Thu Dec 03, 2009 2:12 pm

Some are sold with no backlight (cheaper at the initial purchase) there's a thread here on converting it to backlit but it's involved and expensive.
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