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cdl3 help
Sun May 19, 2024 8:41 pm
by brett
Hi I bought a cdl3.track logging kit new years ago never got a chance to use it. my new car has a haltec elite 1500 and would luv to.I have tried to teach my self to configure it (create a haltec can template) but so far had no luck getting it to work,is there any chance some one has a template i could try? I woud be so gratefull for any help. thanks Brett
Re: cdl3 help
Mon May 20, 2024 10:36 am
by Stephen Dean
Hi Brett,
Extract the attached files and import them into the Dash Manager, this will give you a base for the Haltech ECU communications.
Re: cdl3 help
Mon May 20, 2024 4:03 pm
by brett
Thanks so much for your help cheers Brett
Re: cdl3 help
Thu Jun 13, 2024 3:59 pm
by brett
Hi guys still having issues,i cant even establish a can connection with the ecu. I took the car to a tuner friend who installs.wires,and tunes ecu and asked him for help.he checked my wiring added another resistor,created a new template and still no connection ,he said it should work he does not no why,the only think he could think of was maybe the dash was configured for rs232 only?? I would so grateful for any advice or suggestions . cheers Brett
ps its not a money thing,i just dont want to buy a haltec dash, even the the older cdl3 club dash seems to be more capable than what they have to offer( multi colored display wont improve my laptimes lol)
Re: cdl3 help
Fri Jun 14, 2024 1:01 am
by David Ferguson
A couple of things to check -- I believe Haltech uses DTM connectors for its CAN outputs. If you connected this directly to the MoTeC Race Harness, verify the pinout is the same. You might find CAN hi/lo swapped or similar.
Are you using the newer NSP software with the Haltech? If your configuration was converted from the older, make sure the correct CAN bus is used for the output. There was a report from someone that a converted an older config switched the CAN busses causing them to lose dash communications.
Have you tried the Haltech template on both CAN busses on the CDL3?
Re: cdl3 help
Fri Jun 14, 2024 3:43 pm
by Stephen Dean
Hi Brett,
In the CAN Communications setup window, do you have a Diagnostic Channel allocated? The default in the Haltech templates is to use Comms CAN 1 Diag as the channel.
If this is allocated, go to Online | Monitor Channels and scroll down the list until you get to the Comms CAN x Diag channel. If there are no issues, this will report 0.
If there are issues on the bus you will likely see one of the following codes, with 512 being the most likely.
2 FRAMING Only generated when used with an E888/E816 expander. Inconsistent message length.
8 OVERRUN Receive or transmit overrun error. In the receive case a byte was received before the previous byte was read indicating that the processor is too busy to read the message. In the transmit case the transmit buffer is full which could happen if the CAN bus is too busy.
256 BAD CONFIG The device configuration is not valid (e.g. overlapping CAN addresses)
512 NO DATA A valid message header was not found - either there is a wiring fault or comms is setup incorrectly, (problem could be at either end). E.g.: transmit and receive CAN IDs do not match.
1024 CHECKSUM Only generated when used with an Async Expander. See RS232 errors
2048 WRONG DATA Only generated when used with an Async Expander or E888/E816 Expander. Async Expander: Could not decode the protocol. E888/E816: Compound ID incorrect.
4096 BUS WARNING More than 96 errors have occurred on the CAN bus. Check wiring and termination resistors. The CAN bus may still be operational.
8192 BUS OFF More than 255 errors have occurred on the CAN bus. CAN communications is suspended when this error occurs. Check wiring, termination resistors and the CAN baud rate. Also check that CAN HI and CAN LO are correct (not swapped).
16384 CAN TRANSMIT CAN bus transmit warning
Re: cdl3 help
Fri Jun 14, 2024 6:42 pm
by brett
Hi guys Wow thanks for your quick responce,and helpfull advice. cheers Brett.