Turbo speed

I have turbo speed setup in my CDL3 for an EFR 7670, it has 14blades although not evenly spaced, the rpm's seem a bit high (20%) for the given boost, 
The official support forum for MoTeC products
I have seen someone set it up in an ADL3 digital input like this:
29.17hz = 1,000rpm
4375hz = 150,000rpm
The equation is as follows:
1,000,000rpm * number of comp blades (14 for a 9174) = 1,400,000 blade passes per minute
1,400,000/60sec/min = 23,333 blade passes per second (hz)
23,333 / 8 count sensor divisor = 2,917 hz sensor output frequency.
The EFR 7670 has a max of 139,200rpm from memory so 150,000rpm should work.