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Prime Gearbox Pump on start up.

PostPosted: Fri May 09, 2014 11:59 am
HI all!
I have an M800 + SDL3 + OBR PDM.
The gearbox cooler is higher than the gearbox so I'd like the gearbox pump to come on for 5 seconds when the ign run switch is activated to prime the pump and get some oil out of the box and into the cooler system.

I have gear box temp on pin AT1 the SDL
I send the gearbox temp to the PDM via can.
The PDM has a virtual switch configured to turn the gearbox pump on >= 85 deg
"and" off <= 80 deg.

I could change the PDM virtual switch to an "OR" condition.
Half of the "Or" condition in the PDM is easy.
Add a GP Off/On swich in the SDL based on the gearbox temp.
Send the GP switch condition to the PDM via CAN.

the other half of the "OR" condition is what i don't know how to do...

I want the SDL to send an "on" condition switch? via can to the PDM for 5 seconds when the ign/run switch is active the change back to "off."

How do i set up a timed on switch?

Re: Prime Gearbox Pump on start up.

PostPosted: Fri May 09, 2014 2:08 pm
by SprinterTRD
Simple move the logic to control the pump to the SDL3 and only send a off/on command via CAN to the PDM to switch the pump

This way you can set a timer in the SDL to start on power up, count up and make the running time as long as you like ( say 5 to 10 seconds)

Setup a User condition in the SDL3 for the pump

In that user condition,

While this timer is running (or < xx seconds) or When Gbox temp > xxx, turn the pump on

Send the result of the condition out on CAN

Then in the PDM If condition = true, turn pump on