Using Digital and Speed Inputs for Var Resistance Sensors

Discussion and support for current Advanced Dash Loggers, Sport Dash Loggers and Club dash loggers

Using Digital and Speed Inputs for Var Resistance Sensors

Postby Herrubermensch on Sun Jun 16, 2013 12:37 am

I have a CDL3 dash with the 12 I/O and logging options enabled. I currently am using two digital inputs and two speed inputs for switches: next line, previous line, mode and alarm cancel. But I am about to hookup a CAN-based keypad to control these switches, which will free up the related digital and speed inputs. I would like to use those digital and speed inputs either for two-wire variable resistance sensors (AIT and fuel level) or three-wire analogue voltage sensors (fuel pressure), as I already have used up the two analogue temp sensors inputs and all four variable voltage inputs for other sensors. Is this possible with some combination of pull-up and pull down resistors or do I need a more complex conversion circuit? Is this game worth the candle? Any assistance would be appreciated.

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Re: Using Digital and Speed Inputs for Var Resistance Sensors

Postby Herrubermensch on Sun Jun 16, 2013 9:58 pm

For the benefit of other readers, I have learned that this would require a micro controller and programming and is not, as I suspected, a worthwhile endeavor. It has been suggested that instead I should use a 0-5 volt to CAN converter for expanding the inputs on a CDL3. I am currently exploring that option and will report back if it works.

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Joined: Mon May 07, 2012 1:37 pm

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