OEM Speed Sensors - Magnetoresistve

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Re: OEM Speed Sensors - Magnetoresistve

Postby Apex Speed Tech on Thu Jul 17, 2008 12:56 am

From the original ECU work out what internal pullup resistor is used between the sensor's signal pin and 5V

Wire the sensor signal into the ADL2 speed input and the sensors zero volt pin to ADL2 0V

Wire the same value resistor you found in the first step between the ADL2 speed pin and 5V

We been down this road with no luck. I spent a lot of time on the bench trying to get these things to output a usable signal. Have you been able to make these kinds of sensors work with the ADL2?
Neel Vasavada
Apex Speed Technology
2931 S. Sepulveda Blvd Suite F
Los Angeles, CA 90064
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Re: OEM Speed Sensors - Magnetoresistve

Postby SprinterTRD on Thu Jul 17, 2008 9:26 am

Apex Speed Tech wrote:
From the original ECU work out what internal pullup resistor is used between the sensor's signal pin and 5V

Wire the sensor signal into the ADL2 speed input and the sensors zero volt pin to ADL2 0V

Wire the same value resistor you found in the first step between the ADL2 speed pin and 5V

We been down this road with no luck. I spent a lot of time on the bench trying to get these things to output a usable signal. Have you been able to make these kinds of sensors work with the ADL2?

I have done one from a Toyota. From memory the pullup resistor was around 400 ohm.
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Re: OEM Speed Sensors - Magnetoresistve

Postby ElectronSpeed on Tue Aug 05, 2008 3:53 am

This is a bump of the original request: "[Are the Magneto-Resistive sensors] somthing that will be useable by current/future motec products"?

I would also add wheel speed systems that use a small-amplitude, offset sine wave of near constant amplitude to the mix.

I have not had a production based vehicle that I could directly wire the wheel speeds into a Motec product for a couple of years now. I end up hand building electronic converter boxes for my installations.

Eric Schieb
Electron Speed
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Re: OEM Speed Sensors - Magnetoresistve

Postby gring on Thu Aug 14, 2008 2:05 am

Both the 997 Porsche and the Cayman use these new wheel speed sensors. We found this out when we attempted to install a 996 Cup ABS system into a newer Cayman and it will not work. Further probing found that the sensors have been changed to this new type.
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