by Carlos Iglesias on Sat Dec 21, 2024 12:57 pm
"Murphy" isn't going to give it up easy on this one... giving me the big FU !!
All of the M1_General_0x670_Version 1 Received Channela indicate "Channel Not Found"
I tried to edit the Channels, but again, I couldn't find hide-nor-hare of Fuel Composition (FC) frrd from the M1.
FC does not show up in [url]Monitor[/url]. I have no other communication issues.
The M130 displays the Fuel Composition sensor, calibration, resource, settings, and reading without warnings or errors.
The most annoying part about this is that it was displaying correctly in the CDL just a week ago. To the best of my recollection, I've backtracked all the steps I took since then... with no joy. Hope the old salts of this group can help!