Frequency Output on ADL3

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Frequency Output on ADL3

Postby jcorsico on Fri Sep 06, 2013 1:27 pm

Hi -

I'd like to get one of the outputs of my EDL3 to turn on-and-off at a rate of 5 Hz. This is to flash a light.

How can I do this? Using the "Frequency" or "Duty Cycle" options does not seem to work, as the lowest rate you can pick is 23 Hz, which is too fast.

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Re: Frequency Output on ADL3

Postby David Ferguson on Fri Sep 06, 2013 3:18 pm

Jon, I think you need to create a state machine using a timer and conditions. Use the duty cycle of the output to control the brightness of the light.

For example, you could create a timer that counted up, and rolled over at a limit of .2 seconds.

Then you could have a condition for your output that was something like "timer > 0.1 sec". So it would be off for .1 seconds, then on for .1 seconds -- and repeat so it would cycle at 5 hz. Your condition could be if "LightOn is true" and "timer > 5 sec" so it would only blink on when the LightOn channel was true.

Hope that helps.
David Ferguson
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