Lambda closed loop display
Sat Apr 30, 2011 3:49 pm
by 20B
Can I display on the SDL as text when closed loop is on/off ?
Also I would like to setup the SLM to display lights when closed loop active then turn off when closed loop inactive ?
Any ideas how to do this ?
There is a M800 connected via CAN to the dash.
Re: Lambda closed loop display
Mon May 02, 2011 6:53 pm
by Martin
You will use Bit And in the SDL/SDL3
M800 Status group 1 contains the channels you are looking for. A Status channel or error group is actually one channel that is made up of a lot of statuses.
tatus Group Item Bit Bitmask (Hexadecimal)
Item 1 = bit 0 = 01(hex)
Item 2 =bit 1 = 02(hex)
Item 3 =bit 2 = 04(hex)
Item 4 =bit 3 = 08(hex)
Item 5 =bit 4 = 10(hex)
Item 6 =bit 5 = 20(hex)
Item 7 =bit 6 = 40(hex)
Item 8 =bit 7 = 80(hex)
you want to see if closed loop is on or off itll be Item 5 (Lambda2) and Item 6 (Lambda1).
Look in: M800, Adjust>data logging setup>status F1
So if you want to see any single status in a error group, or status channel (also a group) then you just "bit and" the one you want to see. Its like a filter. So if you bitand 01(hex) you will only see a 1 or 0 for the first item if its true or not. if you do bitand 10(hex) then you will only see if item 5 is 1 or 0 (true or flase)
Use this as a condition for a user condition or in a table. In the ADL3 this can be taken further as you can create your own Bit Combine channels,,,,very useful to send to a PDM.
You can use the same condition to trigger an "alarm" for the display and also to drive your SLM.
Hope it helps!