ADL Max Logging Bitrate and Telemetry Logging Rates

Discontinued earlier generation Dash Loggers

ADL Max Logging Bitrate and Telemetry Logging Rates

Postby niceguysfinishlast on Thu Oct 28, 2010 9:58 pm

Hi all,

What is the maximum logging bitrate that the ADL can handle? My current config fills my 4Mb logging up in 18mins, giving a bitrate of about 30Kbit/s (if my calculations are correct!) What happens if the max bitrate is exceeded?

Also, I am planning on sending a lot/all of my logged channels over the telemetry RS232 output to an RS232 logger or laptop directly, in order for Telem Monitor to covert to a log file for me to look at later, basically I'm doing this with a view to increasing the logging time available (18mins is not enough!) I have a couple of questions relating to this, can the ADL support up to the 115k baud rate selectable in the communications options and how are the logging rates (in hz) configured for the telemetry channels? There doesn't seem to be an option to change them.

Many thanks.
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Re: ADL Max Logging Bitrate and Telemetry Logging Rates

Postby YuriK on Fri Nov 26, 2010 4:04 pm

I can't tell you the exact maximum logging bitrate for ADL but the simple rule of thumb would be to see how much time you've got left in "Time available" field of Logging Setup. You should keep available time value above 5min for 4MB log memory size. Leaving less time available can damage logged data. Later dash models (ADL2, ADL3) would show a warning in case you exceed maximum rate.

Regarding telemetry question - ADL supports 115 kbaud rate over RS232. The limitation however can be due to another module (for example GPS) connected to the same RS232 port. The input and output must have same rate, so if GPS transmits at lower rate, Telemetry should be set to the same rate too.
Logging rates for Telemetry Channels are not configurable, ADL just pushes the data from the channels as fast as it can considering transmission baud rate. You can see "Estimated message rate" on the Telemetry Setup.

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