Using ADL2 to setup CAN for my MDD and SLM

Discontinued earlier generation Dash Loggers

Using ADL2 to setup CAN for my MDD and SLM

Postby CANBUSops on Fri Feb 11, 2011 11:57 pm

Hello all,

I have access to an Mini Dash Display (MDD) and Shift Light Module (SLM).

I am trying to set up the CAN info to get everything working.

Can someone please tell me what the predefined packet ID: 0x0E5 corresponds to? This is packet 229 in decimal.

And am I right in thinking that the following packet ID's are as correct:

0E8 (232 in decimal) is the MDD transmit packet
0E9 (233 in decimal) is the MDD receive packet
029 (41 in decimal) is the SLM Transmit packet
02A (42 in decimal) is the SLM Receive packet

Thanks in advance for any help
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Re: Using ADL2 to setup CAN for my MDD and SLM

Postby JamieA on Tue Mar 01, 2011 2:02 pm

29 is SLM transmit

0E8 is MDD Transmit

0E9 is MDD recieve

0E5 is BR2 recieve

I Dont know about any SLM recieve

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Re: Using ADL2 to setup CAN for my MDD and SLM

Postby CANBUSops on Wed Mar 02, 2011 1:58 am

Thanks Jamie.

I've got an ADL hooked up to an MDD and SLM. I am trying to bench test my setup before I go racing, so i'd like to do a 'simulate' so I can get the ADL to display stuff at my command.

In inputs - communications, I select MDD Display (ADL Layout). I then try and send my configuration to the ADL but I keep getting this screen <screenshot attached>.

Could you tell me what I need to do in dash manager to be able to simulate an ADL layout. I am particularly interested in the error messages that come up on the ADL bottom line. I want to make some specific ones before I go testing.

MoTeC ADL to MDD problem.doc
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Re: Using ADL2 to setup CAN for my MDD and SLM

Postby JamieA on Wed Mar 02, 2011 8:24 am

Ok, the screen shot you have posted is reasonably unrelated to your MDD.

What it is saying is that you want to use a channel called engine RPM, but you haven't told the dash where engine RPM is coming from.

by this I mean, is the RPM channel wired straight into a speed or digital input on the dash?
Is it coming from an ECU, such as a MoTeC M800?
Is it coming from another brand ECU?

depending on this, you need to setup the input pin, or the comms setup to tell the dash what the source of the engine RPM channel is...

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