Injector Current & YP2000cc Injectors

I'd like to ask a few questions relating to the use of the new high impedance Motec YP2000cc Motec injectors, driven directly by an M800. The injectors appear to be from Injector Dynamics, or at least similar.
The YP2000cc injector has a nominal impedance of 9 ohms, and as per the spec sheet can tolerate a wide range of voltages. I would like to drive an array of 16 of these injectors, in sequential fashion, directly from the M800. The desire would be to pair two injectors in parallel per cylinder.
My questions are as follows........
1) Would I be best advised to drive the pairs in Saturated or Peak & Hold mode? I note that the help file shows the saturated mode as being nominal 2 amps per channel and 4 amps max.
2) In saturated mode, will the box current limit the output to 4 amps?
3) If two YP2000cc injectors were paired, and driven direct via an M800 channnel, would 16-24 volts at the injectors work or would there be issues with either the injectors or the M800?
4) Would I be better advised to drive the pairs in the Peak & Hold mode, and simply set the current transition threshold high enough that it is never met?
This would be for a short burst drag race application only.
Would appreciate any thoughts or feedback.
The YP2000cc injector has a nominal impedance of 9 ohms, and as per the spec sheet can tolerate a wide range of voltages. I would like to drive an array of 16 of these injectors, in sequential fashion, directly from the M800. The desire would be to pair two injectors in parallel per cylinder.
My questions are as follows........
1) Would I be best advised to drive the pairs in Saturated or Peak & Hold mode? I note that the help file shows the saturated mode as being nominal 2 amps per channel and 4 amps max.
2) In saturated mode, will the box current limit the output to 4 amps?
3) If two YP2000cc injectors were paired, and driven direct via an M800 channnel, would 16-24 volts at the injectors work or would there be issues with either the injectors or the M800?
4) Would I be better advised to drive the pairs in the Peak & Hold mode, and simply set the current transition threshold high enough that it is never met?
This would be for a short burst drag race application only.
Would appreciate any thoughts or feedback.