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Ref/Sync with MR2 - 3SGTE

PostPosted: Tue Dec 15, 2009 12:55 pm
by mr2andy

I need to know if the stock distributor on my MR2-Turbo will work with Motec M400? Someone on MR2 board keep telling me that I need to modify the trigger wheel inorder for it to work with Motec.

By so far with all the stuff I have read... I thought it should work without any problem.

Anyone here knows 3SGTE and can confirm if Motec M400 will work with it without any modification?


Re: Ref/Sync with MR2 - 3SGTE

PostPosted: Tue Dec 15, 2009 1:01 pm
by SprinterTRD
It will work, get the drawing on the motec website.

Re: Ref/Sync with MR2 - 3SGTE

PostPosted: Tue Dec 15, 2009 1:12 pm
by mr2andy
yes.. that's what I have read about... the drawing for Toyota 24 tooth trigger system. I seems so straight forward but I don't understand why some very reputable ppl in MR2 board telling me otherwise..


Re: Ref/Sync with MR2 - 3SGTE

PostPosted: Tue Dec 15, 2009 5:31 pm
by fivebob
mr2andy wrote:yes.. that's what I have read about... the drawing for Toyota 24 tooth trigger system. I seems so straight forward but I don't understand why some very reputable ppl in MR2 board telling me otherwise..

Perhaps because they've never used a x00 series MoTeC ECU before ;)

I've been using a M800 on my MR2 since 2001 and have never had any problems running the stock trigger system. Can't see it would be any different using a M400 :?

Re: Ref/Sync with MR2 - 3SGTE

PostPosted: Tue Dec 15, 2009 11:34 pm
by mr2andy
Yeah.. I just need to confirm that as I'm no expert myself. All I have done is reading anything I can find on Motec site and anything else on the web.

Can anyone of you give you some direction of how to find the correct Crip for this motors?

fivebob, do you still have your mr2 and m800? I wonder if it's too much to ask to see your config file? What kinda of setup you have on your MR2?

Cheers :)

Re: Ref/Sync with MR2 - 3SGTE

PostPosted: Wed Dec 16, 2009 4:31 pm
by mr2andy
I captured the ref/sync and here it is...

Re: Ref/Sync with MR2 - 3SGTE

PostPosted: Thu Dec 17, 2009 12:18 am
by mr2andy
Seems like the trigger wheel on my car has been modified. It's no longer a 24 tooth ref and 1 sync pattern but instead... a 4 ref per sync pattern.

Every 4 ref meaning 720 degree turn on the crank and 360 degree turn on the cam correct?

So instead of setting up the crank ref teeth for 12 and now the new number should be 2?

Re: Ref/Sync with MR2 - 3SGTE

PostPosted: Thu Dec 17, 2009 7:47 am
by SprinterTRD
Its a pitty that the distributor has been hacked up.

There are 2 sync sensors in the Toyota distributor G1 & G2. one will make the crip approimately 10 deg and the other 350 deg.

You should mechanically check which one you are using by rotating the crank and noting where no 1 compression stroke is relative to the teeth you have in the distributor.

Re: Ref/Sync with MR2 - 3SGTE

PostPosted: Thu Dec 17, 2009 7:53 am
by mr2andy
I'm currently using the G2. What is the best way to find the crip?

Re: Ref/Sync with MR2 - 3SGTE

PostPosted: Thu Dec 17, 2009 9:50 pm
by Dragon
Use a timing light.
Remove the spark plugs and crank the engine over.
Adjust CRIP until timing light align with timing mark on the pulley.
It should be close enough to start the engine.
After engine has been started, check timing again at idle and 3000 rpm. Ajust CRIP if necessary.