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Finding the right ECU? Running FSI?

PostPosted: Thu Oct 01, 2009 1:24 pm
by debamassi
Hi Guys,
I am new here and a first timer using Motec.
I have been talking with Motec Engineers and seeing if we can find a solution for a project we are working on.I have not heard back from them as yet so I was hoping someone on here would be able to help.

We are building an Audi A4 2.0 Turbo engine for 900+ Hp and the issue is this.With the FSI injectors that are readily available on the market today and due to what we have available, we are only able to get a system that supports 600-650hp.
We have explored the option of running a chip on the stock Bosch Motronic ME-9 and then running a secondary standalone system to support 4 additional 870cc high impedance injectors positioned in the manifold.After battling with Motronic tuners for a solution we have finally given up and are focusing on sourcing a complete all in one standalone system that meets the following requirements:

[list=]4 x Injector outputs—high ohm - 870cc[/list]
[list=]4 x FSI Injector outputs[/list]
[list=]1 x FSI fuel pump control (not sure what we will do here)[/list]
[list=]4 x ignition outputs[/list]
[list=]1 x 6-PIN Bosch/Seimens/VDO DBW throttle body[/list]
[list=]1 x 2-PIN boost controller[/list]
[list=]2 x 2-PIN camshaft position solenoid[/list]

INPUTS - Typical Motec fashion:
8 x Analogue voltage inputs—fully configurable including custom calibrations
6 x Analogue temperature inputs—fully configurable including custom calibrations
1 x Wideband Lambda input—for Lambda measurement and control
4 x Digital/speed inputs—for wheel speeds and function activation

Any help you guys have would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks so much

Re: Finding the right ECU? Running FSI?

PostPosted: Thu Oct 01, 2009 1:55 pm
by RossB
MoTeC do not produce an ECU that can run the FSI injectors at the moment. We are working on a DI specific ECU but this is still under development and it will be some time before it is available.

For your application there are a few things you should think about:

If you add injectors as you have described you will lose one of the main benefits of having Direct Injection. Direct Injection allows the fuel to be injected over a very short time just before the spark event. Doing this allows a higher compression ratio which would normaly be prone to detonation. By injecting the fuel and igniting it almost at the same time the detonation cannot happpen because there is no fuel in the cylinder to ignite. The piston and injector combination in these engines are designed to work together to give optimum fuel mixing and prevent lean spots during the combuation process. If you add an injector to the port you loose this level of control and it is possible that you could make the engine even more prone to detonation than it would be with port injection.

You could convert the engine to a complete port injection setup using 4 or 8 (hi-lo) injectors in which case a MoTeC M800 will do everything you want. What is the engine being used for?

Re: Finding the right ECU? Running FSI?

PostPosted: Fri Oct 02, 2009 8:21 am
by debamassi
RossB wrote:MoTeC do not produce an ECU that can run the FSI injectors at the moment. We are working on a DI specific ECU but this is still under development and it will be some time before it is available.

Do you think it will be released in 6-8 weeks?

RossB wrote:If you add injectors as you have described you will lose one of the main benefits of having Direct Injection. Direct Injection allows the fuel to be injected over a very short time just before the spark event. Doing this allows a higher compression ratio which would normaly be prone to detonation.

We are still keeping the DI FSI.The issue is that they are not large enough injectors on the market and no one to make custom for us.If you have any suggestions then I am all ears

RossB wrote:By injecting the fuel and igniting it almost at the same time the detonation cannot happpen because there is no fuel in the cylinder to ignite. The piston and injector combination in these engines are designed to work together to give optimum fuel mixing and prevent lean spots during the combuation process. If you add an injector to the port you loose this level of control and it is possible that you could make the engine even more prone to detonation than it would be with port injection.

RossB wrote:You could convert the engine to a complete port injection setup using 4 or 8 (hi-lo) injectors in which case a MoTeC M800 will do everything you want. What is the engine being used for?

We want to use the benefits of FSI which means port injection by itself is not an option for us.

Re: Finding the right ECU? Running FSI?

PostPosted: Fri Oct 02, 2009 9:18 am
by RossB
I understand your problem. I am not aware of anyone supplying hardware to increase the fuel delivery to the extent that you are looking for.

Our DI ECU is still in development, we do not have a final specification and release date at the moment but it will not be within the next 8 weeks unfortunately.

Re: Finding the right ECU? Running FSI?

PostPosted: Thu Oct 08, 2009 1:06 pm
by debamassi
RossB wrote:I understand your problem. I am not aware of anyone supplying hardware to increase the fuel delivery to the extent that you are looking for.

Our DI ECU is still in development, we do not have a final specification and release date at the moment but it will not be within the next 8 weeks unfortunately.

Would you like to correspond via email so that we can get the products we need swfitly?

Re: Finding the right ECU? Running FSI?

PostPosted: Fri Oct 16, 2009 8:47 am
by RossB
Would you like to correspond via email so that we can get the products we need swfitly?

Send me a PM with your e-mail address.

Re: Finding the right ECU? Running FSI?

PostPosted: Sat Jan 01, 2011 8:09 am
by debamassi
RossB wrote:I understand your problem. I am not aware of anyone supplying hardware to increase the fuel delivery to the extent that you are looking for.

Our DI ECU is still in development, we do not have a final specification and release date at the moment but it will not be within the next 8 weeks unfortunately.

A year later
any luck with a system for us?

Re: Finding the right ECU? Running FSI?

PostPosted: Tue Jan 04, 2011 5:43 pm
by Motorsport Eng.
Hi Debamassi,

we have an option that could suit your application using mxx series, just tested but in another engine.
Send me your e-mail in PM so we can reply soon.


Re: Finding the right ECU? Running FSI?

PostPosted: Wed Jan 05, 2011 10:54 am
by debamassi
Motorsport Eng. wrote:Hi Debamassi,

we have an option that could suit your application using mxx series, just tested but in another engine.
Send me your e-mail in PM so we can reply soon.


Thank you so much
PM Sent!

Re: Finding the right ECU? Running FSI?

PostPosted: Tue Jun 26, 2012 9:30 am
by debamassi