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Changing Injectors
Tue Sep 22, 2009 8:11 pm
by Stuie38
After running my car for the first time and seeing that the Inj Duty % was already over 80% on only 8psi, I have purchased a larger set of injectors.
My question is when I change the injectors is there a way of adjusting the fuel map to suit the larger injectors, or will I need to have the car re-tuned?????
Re: Changing Injectors
Wed Sep 23, 2009 9:27 am
by RossB
If you know the difference in flow rate you can apply an Overall Trim then go to the fuel table and in the Tools Menu (F9) use the Overall Trim Table function. This will apply the Overall Trim to the table and re-set the Overall Trim to zero.
You will also need to ensure that the battery comp ant injector current settings are changed to suit the new injector.
This will get you somewhere close but you wull still need to re-tune to make sure it is running correctly.
Re: Changing Injectors
Wed Sep 23, 2009 10:39 am
by Dragon
Instead of using overall trim, I would do this.
1. Put in the new bat comp table.
2. Warm up engine and let it idle.
3. Adjust IJPU until idle AFR is close to before.
4. Check higher load/rpm sites by datalogging.
Re: Changing Injectors
Mon Aug 23, 2010 6:29 pm
by saints
Currently just installed a set of ID1000cc injectors.what should the injector current be set to as i keep having inj 7 open err.