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Dash and ECU manager run together

PostPosted: Tue Sep 15, 2009 6:45 am
by Polux RSV
I don't know where to put this question.

I am configuring a bike fitted with M800 and ADL, connected together via CAN, and to the PC with a parallel-CAN cable. For initial startup and setting, I have to switch from ECU manager to Dash manager. Each time, I must close the connection, and reopen it on the other software.

Is there a way to have both software active and connected to their respective device, on the same PC, with only one CAN cable?

What will append if I use two UTC cables on one PC, connected to the CAN bus ? Will each software detect and use them correctly? Obviously, the UTC should have different CAN ID.


Re: Dash and ECU manager run together

PostPosted: Tue Sep 15, 2009 8:17 am
by IJ.
My understanding on this is you have to use the native USB connection for the Dash and the UTC for the ECU, you can't have both software's open and connected via UTC at the same time.

Re: Dash and ECU manager run together

PostPosted: Tue Sep 15, 2009 1:59 pm
by OmarK
Hi Angelo,

If you are using an ADL then you will need a UTC to talk to your laptop with a USB cable. If you have an ADL2 then you can either use a UTC or the USB input to talk with the ADL2 using a USB cable.

In your case, you can have your parallel-CAN Cable to communicate with the ECU and a UTC to communicate with your ADL so you can have both managers running simultaneously.

Also, you can have either from an ADL2 USB input or 2 x UTC's ie. 2 USB cables plugged into your laptop and run both ECU manager and Dash manager at the same time no problem as long as one USB cable is connected to the dash and other to the ECU. This is a very useful feature and we use this setup here quite often for testing. Cheers.