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Idle Control IGN and FUEL comp
Wed Aug 12, 2009 5:58 pm
by Martin
When a car is in idle control the Idle aim error is a small number. As soon as you start accelerating the Idle aim error falls to lets say -500Rpm as it goes out of idle control. When the Car is driven, the Idle aim error stays at that value on the IGN and FUEL comp tables. Will this not cause the Idle IGN and FUEL comps to be used if they dont revert to 0 as soon as its out of idle control?
Re: Idle Control IGN and FUEL comp
Thu Aug 13, 2009 12:18 pm
by John Reed
Those trims are only active when under the idle condition (defined in your basic idle settings, usually below 2% throttle).
Re: Idle Control IGN and FUEL comp
Thu Aug 13, 2009 3:31 pm
by Martin
If the Idle Aim Error stays = -500 Does that mean that the table is just ignored when out of idle?
Re: Idle Control IGN and FUEL comp
Thu Aug 13, 2009 9:58 pm
by PQatPIT
This interests me , too
Is there a flag or something that DEFINITELY tells when idle condition is ON and when OFF?
Thank you in advance.
Re: Idle Control IGN and FUEL comp
Fri Aug 14, 2009 8:00 am
by John Reed
The idle fuel/ignition trims clear (zero) when the system is no longer under idle control (either due to tps/rpm setting being cleared, etc).
You can view it on your fuel/timing parameter screens.
Re: Idle Control IGN and FUEL comp
Fri Aug 14, 2009 4:33 pm
by Martin
Ive tested it, it does clear, but Idle aim stays at the last value before it exits.
Thanks John