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Ref/Sync mode 7, best sync position?

PostPosted: Mon Jun 22, 2009 8:51 pm
by Polux RSV

I am setting a V60 motor on my bike with M800. It has a classic 36-2 scheme, and I use mode 7. The motor revs good at Idle and low revs. As the fuel map is not completed, I didn't tried at revs higher than 4000rpm and high loads.
CRIP is 305°before TDC cylinder 1. It is 120°AFTER TDC cylinder 2.
I read in the help files that during heavy acceleration, the index tooth could be missed.
Will it be a problem to have the index tooth at this position?

I have the sync tooth about 40° before index tooth. In the help, setup menu, it is written that sync pulse should be 180° +/- 70° before the index.
Will it be a problem to have the sync tooth at this position?



Re: Ref/Sync mode 7, best sync position?

PostPosted: Tue Jun 23, 2009 9:53 am
by RossB
Your setup should work ok, you obviously have it starting ok which can sometimes be a problem with these engines. The position of the sync sensor described in the help file (180° +/- 70°) is an ideal but it will work outside this range (even within a couple of teeth of the index tooth) so you don't need to move it.

It is only during rapid acceleration of the engine that you could have a problem with missing the index tooth if the gap is interpreted as a normal space betseen teeth but this is less likely with the 2 missing tooth mode you are using. If this happens you can reduce the Tooth Ratio.