Injection ends when changing parameter in ECU manager

Discussion and support for MoTeC's previous generation ECUs.

Injection ends when changing parameter in ECU manager

Postby ben0006 on Wed Apr 19, 2023 11:40 pm


I use a stationary research engine equipped with a MoTeC M800 ECU, which controls both injection and ignition at this moment. Recently I've been getting the issue that the injection drops to 0 in reality when changing something while running (IJPU%, ignition timing, ...) but the IJPU table is filled in correctly. The error that keeps appearing is 'Error Inj Max Duty', while the duty cycle is nowhere near 85 % (rather around 12.5%).

It is used on a retrofitted diesel engine, with 5 cylinders running on diesel (so no injectors or ignition via the ECU), with one running on methanol which is being controlled via MoTeC. It has been running successfully for a full week, however it suddenly stopped without any internal changes.

Is there anyone who's had a similar problem? We've tried resetting the ECU, changing the injection timing so it has more time to fully inject, this helped somewhat but not consistently and the same problem kept turning up. Any possibility that the ECU itself is damaged?

We use 12 ohm injectors from Bosch Motorsport (0 280 158 040).

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Re: Injection ends when changing parameter in ECU manager

Postby Stephen Dean on Thu Apr 20, 2023 9:52 am


What "something" are you changing specifically when this occurs?

The Injector Max Duty Cycle needs only to occur for a single injection pulse if the laptop is connected and errors are not reset, this could be being triggered by making a change to a parameter that causes a recalculation of the injector duty cycle and if it occurs during the pulse, leading to the pulse being extended (or the injection window is reduced) then this error will be flagged.
Stephen Dean
MoTeC Research Centre Melbourne, Australia
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Re: Injection ends when changing parameter in ECU manager

Postby ben0006 on Thu Apr 20, 2023 8:03 pm


It started when we increased the IJPU, but the same has happened later when trying to change the ignition timing. When the change is made and enter is pressed, the error comes on and the injection drops to zero. We have tried resetting the errors after every change (of ijpu or ignition timing), but the same observations can be made.
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Re: Injection ends when changing parameter in ECU manager

Postby Stephen Dean on Fri Apr 21, 2023 9:49 am


Do you have logging in the ECU? Can you supply any of this?
Stephen Dean
MoTeC Research Centre Melbourne, Australia
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Re: Injection ends when changing parameter in ECU manager

Postby Ankur on Wed Sep 27, 2023 3:31 pm

I am also facing a similar type of issue in the M400 ECU. Only while changing the %IJPU and pressing enter, it stops the injection by flagging the error of Inj Duty Max, whereas the actual duty cycle is ~10%.
Can you please let me know, how your issue was resolved and what was the reason for this behavior.

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Re: Injection ends when changing parameter in ECU manager

Postby SprinterTRD on Thu Sep 28, 2023 6:34 pm

Changing the IJPU should not be done while the engine is running as it re calculates the initial fuel value and/or the whole fuel table. During this process the ECU is less concerned about running the engine over modifying the tables.
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