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M800 wheel speed sensors

PostPosted: Fri Oct 22, 2021 11:01 pm
by Richard0990

I am running traction control/ launch from a M800 and would like to change the wheel speed sensors from the trusty 1gt101 Honeywell units to a newer replaceable item, the Honeywell units are no longer made?

Most of the newer types require 10>30 volt supplies however the Honeywell type use 4.5v is there a way to change the supply voltage to the sensors so the new ones work, I am sure I have overlooked this somewhere.

Thank you all for you top tips,

Re: M800 wheel speed sensors

PostPosted: Sat Oct 23, 2021 1:08 am
by David Ferguson
Only by modifying the harness. If you are using hall sensors, you might just try them with the 8V supply, many 10-30v seem to work fine