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M600 TC Speedometer Question

PostPosted: Tue Nov 24, 2020 10:38 am
by pooh_bear
Noble M12

Current config. includes front wheel speed sensor (12v Hall effect) directly wired to Race Technology Dash2 to display road speed.

Planned changes include fitting M600.

If i rewire front wheel speed sensor to the M600 TC reference input, can that signal also be used to display road speed on the Dash2 via the CAN stream? Or is it only for single use in the TC system?

Or can i feed the sensor output to both Dash2 and M600?

If either solution will work it'll save me having to have the other front hub drilled for another wheel speed sensor.

Re: M600 TC Speedometer Question

PostPosted: Tue Nov 24, 2020 3:46 pm
by David Ferguson
You can absolutely transmit the wheelspeed info on the CAN bus with the M600, and you'll be able to receive that info on the Dash2 and display / log it.

Re: M600 TC Speedometer Question

PostPosted: Tue Dec 01, 2020 4:59 am
by pooh_bear
Lancer wrote:Thanks for the explanations! The thing is that I'm looking at getting myself some of this Budapest real estate next year, and really want to get full control over my car's speed as they don't joke around with speed limitations, neither there nor in neighboring Austria, there's no 5 or 10% error margin if you drive at 121 kph instead of 120, so I don't want to take any risk.

Your right foot should help seal with that one.