M800 Dual Fuel

Discussion and support for MoTeC's previous generation ECUs.

M800 Dual Fuel

Postby Vlad on Wed Aug 05, 2020 4:31 am

I’m planing on running on my STI my goldbox M800 with inj 1234 gasoline and 5678 lpg, and mixing them up with the hi/lo injection function. I’ll put 2 configs in the multi config slots, one 100% gadoline, high boost for warmup and having fun, and one with mixed, 10% gasoline and 90% lpg, adjusting the percentage in relation to engine load, and low boost. This is my daily car, and i tend to drive it alomos 100km / day. Lpg injectors are 3ohm, and on the switch which i’ll be using for the multi config, and the lpg solenoids, i’ll also be using to cut the 12v power to the lpg injectors when running on the gasoline map. Is there something i’m missing? Or this should work okay?
Vlad Pescaru
JPR Engineering, MoTeC Authorised Dealer
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