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M800 Config File Extensions

PostPosted: Mon Sep 02, 2019 8:26 pm
by DustyBin
Hi Chaps, newbie here. I am helping a friend who is running an F2 sidecar outfit fitted with an M800. When outfit was purchased, config files were supplied for the two engines that will be used. The files have e75 file extensions. No surprise they are not recognised by the engine management software downloaded from Motec. If I rename to e35 then the files are recognised but flagged as incorrect version. Does anyone know if there is an easy way of determining what version of engine management software may have been used to create/maintain them? Thanks in advance.

Re: M800 Config File Extensions

PostPosted: Tue Sep 03, 2019 10:18 am
by Stephen Dean

The e75 files are created by a category specific M800 EMP.

Can you provide the serial number of the M800 so that I can look it up for you and see which category it is.

Re: M800 Config File Extensions

PostPosted: Wed Sep 04, 2019 8:16 pm
by DustyBin
Thanks Stephen. The Motec Support guys in UK have identified that the M800 is running on a version of software designed for BSB and have provided a link and all is now good.