lambda status OFF

Discussion and support for MoTeC's previous generation ECUs.

lambda status OFF

Postby bott on Thu Feb 26, 2009 10:05 am

Hello everybody,

I just found this phorum, and this is my first message.
I have a problem that it is driving me crazy.
I am using a MOTEC 800, and a LSU 4.0 lambda for data logging. I don't use closed loop.
Always, with the engine started or stoped, the lamba status is OFF, that means that the lambda is not heated and it is giving all the time 1.5/1.7 lecture, when it should be around 0.9
The lambda is well connected, there is not any error alert about it, and I can log the lambda data.
How can I turn the lambda status to ON? I have searched all the menus in the map file and I can not find how to do it.

I also have another problem, I am using a 2D display. I send the motec data to the 2D display via CAN and everything is ok.
The only question is that I must have the MOTEC USB-CAN cable (the one I use to connect my laptop with the MOTEC) pluged on the motorbike all the time. If the cable is connected everything is all right, if I remove the cable, the CAN communication between the motec and the 2D display fails. Do you have any idea about which is the problem?

Thank you in advance, best regards,

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Re: lambda status OFF

Postby Martin on Thu Feb 26, 2009 3:28 pm

I think you mean the sensor doesnt read at all when you start the engine for the first time. Am i understanding you right? Have a look at you "sensor type" under wide band lambda setup. That will probably be 1. If you set it to 3 it will mean that the lsu4 will be turned on as soon as you power the ecu and sensor. Be aware that this is not good for the sensor, only use it if you must.

Secondly, if the comms fail if you unplug your UTC you most likely dont have a terminating resistor on the can bus. You`ll need a 100R resistor. Have a look in your M800 manual to see how and where it must be installed.

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Re: lambda status OFF

Postby bott on Thu Feb 26, 2009 8:05 pm

Thank you for your reply, Martin.

The sensor reads from the beginning (with the engine off or started). But the lambda status if OFF all the time even when the engine is working.
Because the lambda is in OFF status, it never warms and it never gives good data.
If I take the lambda out of the exhaust and I touch it with the system powered, it never warms.
For example I can not make an air calibration, I have a fixed value and it never changes.

I have another motorbike with a different engine and map, and when I monitorize the lambda, once I power the system the lambda status changes to WARMING for 30 seconds, and after that it changes to ON status and gives perfect read.

I don't know why in the first engine the lambda status is always OFF.
I think there is not any connection mistake because I do not have any lambda error.

Regarding the other question, I will check if I have the can bus 2 resistors. Thank you!
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Re: lambda status OFF

Postby AaronM on Thu Feb 26, 2009 8:17 pm


I am kind of new to this but do you need wideband option enabled?
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Re: lambda status OFF

Postby bott on Thu Feb 26, 2009 8:46 pm

Hello AaronM, yes, it is enabled.
Thank you.
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Re: lambda status OFF

Postby Martin on Fri Feb 27, 2009 5:40 am

Sorry about this, but arent you mixing up closed loop ON and OFF?
Normally if a lambda sensor doesnt work and you look under diagnostics you`ll find

C0 = RUN

Could you post a screenshot of what you mean by OFF? What Firmware are you running on your M800?

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Re: lambda status OFF

Postby bott on Sun Mar 08, 2009 3:07 am

Hi Martin,

Thank you for your reply. In this case the diagnostic is OFF.
I discovered which is the problem. When you buy a MOTEC ECU it is possible to buy it without lambda option (and then it is cheaper). Because we bought the ECUS second hand, we didn't know that the lambda option was not activated. So we must buy the lambda option to MOTEC.
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