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SENT (SAE J2716) communication protocol support on MoTeC ECU

PostPosted: Wed Feb 13, 2019 2:01 pm
by Senta
Hi guys, :)

I'm having an issue to get my turbocharger work on MoTeC ECU. To be precise, it has an electric wastegate actuator and the position information sent by the sensor is in SENT (SAE J2716 - 201604) protocol. I do have a technical data sheet on how to decode the SENT data message so it is not an issue.

As far as I know, M400 doesn't have the interface to support this protocol or am I missing something?

I'm thinking of getting a decoder chip to convert the SENT message into an analog signal, in a form which M400 can process, but I'm reluctant to have an additional time delay (I haven't look into the details so I'm not sure how bad it is).

I do have an M1 Series ECU - M142 on my hand and I wonder if it can support the protocol by implementing a custom user function through M1 Build.

Any comments and suggestions are appreciated. Thanks in advance. :)

Re: SENT (SAE J2716) communication protocol support on MoTeC

PostPosted: Wed Feb 13, 2019 2:53 pm
by rntechnologies
Several different SENT devices are supported on the M1 ECU that you have, even potentially without going down the M1 build path.
If you are running the latest version of the GP package, you will find that the position sensor configuration for the actuator has the ability to choose a digital decode.
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Re: SENT (SAE J2716) communication protocol support on MoTeC

PostPosted: Wed Feb 13, 2019 11:12 pm
by Senta
Thanks, Ryan for the information. I will look into it :geek: