I am installing an M800 on an LS engine. Its gen 4 for its 60-2 on reluctor and can sensor on timing sprocket. Its a built engine but the sensors were new GM with LS2 part nos but as far as I am aware any LS2 (60 tooth), LS3 LS7 cam or Crank sensor should interchange but from reading some previous posts there seems to be some suggestion an LS7 might run other than mode 17
Here is the trigger capture below and the Ref Sync Setup.
Problem is whilst cranking we tried a number of times we could only twice it it to sync but for only very short times. We did also try the CRIP at 440 and just either side of it as well as both sides of around 80.
This vehicle was running a Link ECU previuosly and all worked fine and we have just repinned the loom at the ECU so the loom and sensors should have no issues as was operating fine a few days ago. We have an issue that if we span the TPS it operates in a narrow voltage window (around 1 to 2v) and once spanned to say 95% starts making an injector pulse. Normally 7 but has been 5. Also when we switch the ignition off but with battery power still on injector 7 starts clicking away for no reason that I can yet determine. I have checked for any conflicting Pin assignments and internal voltages and sensor values all look good. Ignition and injector test all seemed good. We are running it wasted spark. There appears to be some conflicts going on and that may be interfering with the Sync process.
If anyone could chime in with any thoughts would be much appreciated.