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Firing order/sequential wiring.

PostPosted: Mon Jun 08, 2015 2:47 am
by vtekthis
Hello, i have a M400 on a 4 cyl honda engine. The injectors are wired inj1-cyl1 inj2-cyl2 inj3-cyl3 inj4-cyl4 same goes as with the ignition. If i set the firing order in the motec as 1/3/4/2 (which is the correct order), when i go test the outputs its displayed as inj1-cyl1// inj2-cyl 3/// inj3-cyl4/// inj4-cyl2. I understand everything this far.

Now when i actually go test lets say Inj 2- cyl 3,,,it fires injector 2???? and then inj3-cyl4 it fires 3???

from what i can remember it should fire the cyl its assigned too? maybe im wrong?

same goes for the ignition.

FYI the car has a constant miss. REF/SYNC is captured and synced.

Re: Firing order/sequential wiring.

PostPosted: Mon Jun 08, 2015 7:01 am
by Arve Flaat

You MUST wier 1 3 4 2!!

The setup in Motec software don't change the firing order!