Suzuki GSXR Cranking

Discussion and support for MoTeC's previous generation ECUs.

Suzuki GSXR Cranking

Postby thorstengsxr on Sun Feb 22, 2015 4:27 am


I have a problem with the startup of my Suzuki. When I push the start-up button the engine begin to crank, but at this time I see three errors on the Motec M800 error ref noice AR, error sync signal and no sync signal. In my understanding of the help file the two sync error are strange together because no sync told me that he had a sync singal bevor it is possible. And the error no sync signal told me the he did not see any signal in the last 720°. This make no since for my please can anybody explain me this erros in detail. Tomorrow I will make a closer look with a scope on this signal because my refsync capture looks perfekt.

Regards Thorsten
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Re: Suzuki GSXR Cranking

Postby thorstengsxr on Fri Feb 27, 2015 9:13 am


This is the ref sync capture. I dobbelcheck the singals with a scope and thay look always the same only on the sync signal i see a smale noice under 100mV. Is this the probelm ???????

regards Thorsten
Posts: 51
Joined: Thu Jul 10, 2008 10:00 pm

Re: Suzuki GSXR Cranking

Postby Kip on Fri Feb 27, 2015 9:53 am

Same problem here with my 2012 R1 .

Try putting a extra battery over it to get it crancking faster that mostly helps with me but stil it is not how u want it to go race and always have to put and extra battery to it .

I haven been reading this problem alot and stil the only solution I have seen is putting bigger battery .

I hav einstalled a SuperB battery and stil the same problem and with the yamaha loom , ecu the bike starts fine .

Also when u put the bike with the motec on a dyno and get the wheel spinning it starts instant .

When I put a extra big carr battery over it I keep getting also no sync signal , sync signal error and than it suddenly starts and the errors are gone when its running and the engine runs really fine !

would finaly be nice to get a good solution for this problem !
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Re: Suzuki GSXR Cranking

Postby SprinterTRD on Fri Feb 27, 2015 11:08 am

The problem is the inconsistent cranking.

The ECU it trying to determine where the missing tooth is but it cannot do that because when the engine slows down the width of the normal tooth is similar to the missing tooth.

The other problem is the change in voltage levels. You need to set the trigger voltage levels and filters to account for the crappy signal. Add extra sites to help. Also try to adjust the tooth ratio parameter, this helps find the missing tooth.
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Re: Suzuki GSXR Cranking

Postby thorstengsxr on Fri Feb 27, 2015 8:14 pm

HI ok this sounds plausible, this is my Ref Mag Levels Tabel


If i understand you right than i must go a littel bit lower from 0,5 to 0,3 mybeand tooth ratio goes from 50 to 100

regards Thorsten
Posts: 51
Joined: Thu Jul 10, 2008 10:00 pm

Re: Suzuki GSXR Cranking

Postby Kip on Fri Feb 27, 2015 8:40 pm

thorstengsxr wrote:HI ok this sounds plausible, this is my Ref Mag Levels Tabel


If i understand you right than i must go a littel bit lower from 0,5 to 0,3 mybeand tooth ratio goes from 50 to 100

regards Thorsten

I got it on 0,2 but this is for ref sensor , we are getting the error in sync and sync sensors are Hall and and u cant set the trigger volt .

Maybee the sync filter setting is not correct ?
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Re: Suzuki GSXR Cranking

Postby thorstengsxr on Fri Feb 27, 2015 9:01 pm

HI kip

I think both singals work together and if the ref signal has to many missings and no sync to the missing the m800 will set this errors I will test this in the gmt evening.

regards Thorsten
Posts: 51
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Re: Suzuki GSXR Cranking

Postby Kip on Fri Feb 27, 2015 9:30 pm

thorstengsxr wrote:HI kip

I think both singals work together and if the ref signal has to many missings and no sync to the missing the m800 will set this errors I will test this in the gmt evening.

regards Thorsten

Forgot u got also error ref noice AR , I only get the error siync signal and error no sync signal .
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Re: Suzuki GSXR Cranking

Postby thorstengsxr on Fri Feb 27, 2015 11:09 pm


i have made a closer look in my cature file and i think i see one of my problems


max voltage is 0,378V and in my refmagvol tabel i have 0,5V. So i think that the ecu remember two missing.

regards Thorsten
Posts: 51
Joined: Thu Jul 10, 2008 10:00 pm

Re: Suzuki GSXR Cranking

Postby Kip on Sat Feb 28, 2015 2:28 am

thorstengsxr wrote:OK

i have made a closer look in my cature file and i think i see one of my problems


max voltage is 0,378V and in my refmagvol tabel i have 0,5V. So i think that the ecu remember two missing.

regards Thorsten

Hope this will solve problem .

I got mine running pretty good again today .
The sync signal error always comes 1 time when start crancking and when u hit enter to rest when keep crancking it doesn't come back .

with the superB 5200 and a car battery over it it starts always from the first time so I think I need to get me the superB 7800 maybee
Posts: 24
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