Stupid Motec tricks- making a timer loop.
Posted: Fri Nov 21, 2014 12:20 pm
Why? Because I needed to run an unattended oil/engine preheater. Timer 1 ran the heating element via another aux table to DC% the heater vs temp, Timer 2 circulated the oil via an electric pump. Might have other uses. Just demonstrates the flexibility of an ECU that allows you to put nearly anything as a table axis.
What is needed- One switched input, one output, and both timers.
Since the timers increment to max value and stay there until their status has been reset, a timer can't run continuously, so we use the second timer to reset the first. Now both timers will increment to max alternately in a continuous loop, and output tables can be assigned to both or either timer.
An available dig 1-4 or switch 1-6.
This switched input triggers the timer state, see timer setup parameter "Timer X Selection" and set to this channel.
Timer 1 needs to be opposite polarity of Timer 2 in timer setup parameter "Timer X Logic Polarity". As the aux table in the output switches from on to off the timers increment alternately. NOTE: You can have the Timer 1 reset nearly instantly by having very small Timer 2 increments in the table, .00, .01, and a Timer 2 Max of .02
An output, aux/ign/inj doesn't matter.
Wire this output into the switched input selected above. Set up an aux table with Timer 1 and Timer 2 as axes, set up a table that looks something like this-
Timer 1 starts and increments to 4.995 seconds and output turns off, this changes the state of the dig/switch input status flag, timer 2 starts and increments to .005 seconds and stops, output changes switch state back in a continuous loop, as long as ECU is in an on state. Set your timer axis values and timer max values to whatever length is needed, up to 327.67 seconds.
What is needed- One switched input, one output, and both timers.
Since the timers increment to max value and stay there until their status has been reset, a timer can't run continuously, so we use the second timer to reset the first. Now both timers will increment to max alternately in a continuous loop, and output tables can be assigned to both or either timer.
An available dig 1-4 or switch 1-6.
This switched input triggers the timer state, see timer setup parameter "Timer X Selection" and set to this channel.
Timer 1 needs to be opposite polarity of Timer 2 in timer setup parameter "Timer X Logic Polarity". As the aux table in the output switches from on to off the timers increment alternately. NOTE: You can have the Timer 1 reset nearly instantly by having very small Timer 2 increments in the table, .00, .01, and a Timer 2 Max of .02
An output, aux/ign/inj doesn't matter.
Wire this output into the switched input selected above. Set up an aux table with Timer 1 and Timer 2 as axes, set up a table that looks something like this-
Timer 1 starts and increments to 4.995 seconds and output turns off, this changes the state of the dig/switch input status flag, timer 2 starts and increments to .005 seconds and stops, output changes switch state back in a continuous loop, as long as ECU is in an on state. Set your timer axis values and timer max values to whatever length is needed, up to 327.67 seconds.