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Boost Enhancement - antilag

PostPosted: Mon Aug 11, 2014 11:37 pm
by cotje
Hi all,

I'm replacing my EFI ECU for the M800 (recently upgraded with adv.Features) and I would like to keep my current EFI antilag setup in place. This is a classic setup with large idle bypass valve and huge ing. retard (-46). What settings do I need to have the M800 run with the setup?

I have come this far:
- Digital input for Antilag switch
- Analog output for Idle-bypa valve
- Ign. Retard setup (the table does not allow lower than zero values?)
- Setup Mode 1 (?)

The current Antilag setup from the EFI ECU:

Any help or example configs very much appreciated!

Re: Boost Enhancement - antilag

PostPosted: Mon Aug 25, 2014 11:40 pm
by cotje
No one :o

In the meantime I've collected some more info and made the summary listed below and base setup which I believe should work. Can someone review these settings and let me know if I'm on the right track?

ALS input option 1: one switch (activation)
Digital input function 13 > Overrun boost enhancement

ALS input option 2: two switches (activation, ORB table select)

ALS input option 3: one push button (selection: off > table-set 1 > table-set 2)
Digital input function 25 > ORB Select

Only used for driving solenoids (Air bypass valves or throttle kickers) > Mode 1 & 2

Outputs > use ignition or injector outputs!

Solenoid Output function > 115 (Status Output)
Selection parameter > 31 (Overrun boost active)
Selection parameter > 33 (ORB table set 2 selected) > for indication LED

Advanced Feature Function
ORB setup:
Mode 1
Throttle Hysteresis 0,0
Idle Throttle Lo 2
Idle Throttle Hi 20
Idle RPM 1500
Maximum Time 10
Maximum EGT 0
Activate Throttle 80
Activate Throttle Delay 300

Cut Table:
TPD 10 (2500-7000) = 25
TPD 0 (2500-7000) = 35

Retard Table:
TPD 10,0 (2500-7000) = 25

Fuel Enrichment Table:
TPD 0 (2500-7000) = 17

Air Bypass Table:
RPM (2000-7000) = 22,22,22,22,15

Digital Input Functions
Sw In 1 (AT1) > 13 (OverRun Boost enhancement)

Ignition Output Functions
Ignition Out 5 > 115 (Status Output)
Parameters > Selection > 31 (ORB active)

Re: Boost Enhancement - antilag

PostPosted: Tue Sep 23, 2014 8:28 am
by cotje
OK, got it all up-and-running :D

Attached the two working mode1 and mode2 maps. Mode1 producing about 0.4 bar now with EGR-valve. Mode2 producing more with 20% opening but to much EGT.

Re: Boost Enhancement - antilag

PostPosted: Tue Sep 23, 2014 10:41 am
by JulianEdgar
Thank you for posting

Re: Boost Enhancement - antilag

PostPosted: Mon Apr 26, 2021 6:05 pm
by lbrookes
Thanks for posting.

If possible can you please repost your working maps.

Just wondering if the air bypass table values are the duty cycle of the solenoid... and if so, how did you select the solenoid output driver to be controlled by the air bypass table? For example you can use an injector or ignition output... how does the air bypass table know which output is used?
