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M400 inj error only on out 3 and 4

PostPosted: Sun Sep 22, 2013 3:32 pm
by extonson
Hi - m400 , 2 barrel tb with 2 inj to each throat , each inj 2.5 ohm, on 12a PP. Set up is inj 1 to front rotor, inj 2 rear rotor , inj 3 front rotor, inj 4 rear rotor. Secondary inj table set to 50%. So I should have front fire both and rear both sequential with each rotor.

In the help it says to double the current setting for rotary running 2 inj per rotor. If I do that I get errors on all inj , now it's set to 3amp ,I only get the error on the secondary - out 3 and 4.

The error is coming up as short - so in the help it says that the setting could be too high.

I would like some clarification - will setting inj current to 2.0 for a 2.5 ohm inj, and not 4 as indicated in help sort this?

Inj are 580cc Bosch style - no id number - resistance 2.5 ohm. Flow rate known from test when serviced.

Any help would be great.

Re: M400 inj error only on out 3 and 4

PostPosted: Mon Sep 23, 2013 1:31 am
by J&R
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