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E888 on M800 with a SKM
Mon Nov 17, 2008 6:43 pm
by Martin
Im planning to use a M800 on a 6 Cyl engine with 6Coils with a SKM. There are 2 Inj outputs left, one will be the Knock window. I do not have enough I/O`s on the M800 for this installation so im adding an E888 and ive got a few q`s about this installation.
1. Are all the Spare Inj outputs useless when you add an E888?
2. How would i drive the SKM`s knock window input if the above is true?
Re: E888 on M800 with a SKM
Wed Nov 19, 2008 10:34 pm
by AaronM
Do you plan on doing individular cylinder tuning?
How many outputs do you need the expander for?
If you are not doing individular cylinder tuning you should be fine. That will free up 6 outputs on the expander in your case.
Re: E888 on M800 with a SKM
Thu Nov 20, 2008 1:47 am
by Martin
If you are using the Indv Fuel trim tables then you would not have the table available on the E888. Yes i do need to do Inv Fuel trims and also ignition, but this is not my problem since i could use the E888 for dumb outputs that would not need a table.
My problem is....If I add the E888, then all other injector outputs are disabled (to used for alternate functions such as the Konck Window for the SKM).
Ign outputs = 6 all 6 are used by the coils.
Injectors outputs = 6 for Injectors
2 that cannot work because of E888
My question:
Is there a workaround to get those 2 unused Inj outputs working to run the SKM?
Re: E888 on M800 with a SKM
Thu Nov 20, 2008 2:52 pm
by RossB
I am looking in to this Martin. To make it work the way you want it to would mean a change in the software. As it is at the moment you could use an IEX which would free up the ignition outputs, then you wouldn't have to use the output of the expander (depending on how many extra outputs you need of course).
I will let you know when I have an update on this.
Re: E888 on M800 with a SKM
Thu Nov 20, 2008 3:44 pm
by Martin
Thanks Ross
Using 2 EGT`s aswell, and the 4 Dig inputs
Re: E888 on M800 with a SKM
Thu Nov 20, 2008 8:29 pm
by AaronM
A little bit off the point but is there any reason why the expander could not have its own tables built into the M100 series and free up the individual inj tables. I am in much the same boat as Martin and do use all the inj tables. Never been a problem as I only use the E888 for the thermocouples. Just be nice though.
Re: E888 on M800 with a SKM
Fri Nov 21, 2008 8:49 am
by RossB
The limitation is the ammount of memory space available in the M800. As the E888 is controlled by the M800 the tables used are stored in the M800"s memory.
Re: E888 on M800 with a SKM
Fri Nov 21, 2008 1:27 pm
by RossB
We will be able to fix this. It will mean that you loose Output 8 on the E888. You will congigure the E888 outout 8 as knock window but actually wire the knock window connection to INJ8 on the M800. We will have to put this in the next ECU Manager release.
Re: E888 on M800 with a SKM
Fri Nov 21, 2008 4:09 pm
by Martin
Thanks Ross!
Re: E888 on M800 with a SKM
Thu Feb 12, 2009 4:47 pm
by Martin
RossB wrote:Martin,
We will be able to fix this. It will mean that you loose Output 8 on the E888. You will congigure the E888 outout 8 as knock window but actually wire the knock window connection to INJ8 on the M800. We will have to put this in the next ECU Manager release.
Hi Ross,
Any news on when the next one will be released? I need the function you`ve added.