ignition compensation timer

Discussion and support for MoTeC's previous generation ECUs.

ignition compensation timer

Postby sphilips on Wed Jul 03, 2013 7:58 am

is it possible to delay the ignition compensation table with a timer function? For example. if the front suspension is topped out, I i have the ignition retard by 10 degrees. Can I hold this retard let say by 0.5 seconds?
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Joined: Mon May 30, 2011 8:11 am

Re: ignition compensation timer

Postby Scott@FP on Thu Jul 04, 2013 8:36 am

If you already have a non-hall effect wirewound linear pot on the front suspension, you could turn it into a 2 wire sensor, then use an AT input (5v pullup) to both measure the travel AND trip Timer 1 or Timer 2 in 0.1v increments. Instead of one end of the pot being 5v, one end being 0v, and the moveable portion your voltage signal, the AT is at one end or the other, or on the moveable, and one end is 0v depending on whether you want high voltage to be fully extended or fully compressed. Have the timer run for .5 seconds and reset. Use the timer as an axis in an ign comp. Set the switched input to 'monitor only', set the logic direction, set the on/off voltages for your switch on to switch off in voltage, set up the travel sensor in a user channel voltage/distance like normal. Set up timer 1 or 2 to start or stop/reset when the switch goes to its on or off status. Now the timer starts topped out and you still have travel data. Test the timer polarity and logics involved before trying it though, they are easy to get bass-ackwards in your head.
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