External lambda on M400

Discussion and support for MoTeC's previous generation ECUs.

External lambda on M400

Postby lawnmower on Tue Apr 09, 2013 6:24 am


I have just fitted a second lambda on my M400, it is an Innovate system with a 4.9 LSU. I do not have the La2 upgrade so have used AV5 as the signal input. Can anyone tell me if this will work OK and what parameters to use for the input setup, would #40 lambda bosch wide band meter work?

I am assuming my M400 needs an upgrade to use La2?

Thanks for your help.
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Re: External lambda on M400

Postby adam7 on Mon Apr 29, 2013 12:22 pm

I used to have a similar setup using a Innovate LC1 and found that to get Quick lambda etc to work you needed:

M400 Input Pins Setup:
Channel Name: Lambda 1 (or Lambda2)
Input Lamda 1( or 2)
calibration: #39 Lambda MoTeC PLM or AFM1

You can actually use any AV input too, but the resolution on the LaX inputs is higher.

The Innovate should be setup to output a voltage range and voltage2AFR mapping as per the MoTec PLM. So download the manual and check it out - I cant remember what it was, but *think* its:
0V - 0.5 Lambda
5V - 1.75 Lambda

You should be fine with the M400 using one or more external Lambda controllers (eg Motec PLM, LTC, Innovate LC-1s or similar). My understanding is that the licence upgrade you can buy for the M400 is limited to one INTERNAL lambda controller.

A basic M400 should be fine with say a narrow band on La1 and you Innovate on La2, or even just the Innovate unit.

Tip, pay attention to the power GND and signal GND connections.

ps - now using a Motec
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