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Communication with M400 via USB

PostPosted: Sun Feb 17, 2013 12:31 pm
by svendsenk
I have a project in which I would like to communicate from a microprocessor with the ECU via usb. I am unsure on if this is possible since Motec mentions that their UTC CAN to USB adapter is proprietary.

I am unsure if they mean that you cannot communicate with their software with any BUT that adapter
or if you cannot communicate via that adapter except with their software.

If I can use their adapter should I use just a basic USB library or is their a specific USB library or structure I need to use.

If I cannot use their library is it possible to simply use a different adapter?


Re: Communication with M400 via USB

PostPosted: Wed Feb 20, 2013 3:00 pm
by YuriK
The UTC adaptor with the appropriate driver is mandatory to connect the ECU to the ECU Manager, that runs on a PC. M400 cannot communicate with PC without the UTC and UTC cannot use a USB driver other than the one provided by MoTeC.
For communicating with devices other than a PC, the ECU uses CAN (or RS232 transmitting telemetry channels) interfaces.
