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Configuring M800 with different software-firmware

PostPosted: Mon Jul 30, 2012 11:52 pm
by Polux RSV
I know I can update the ECU or change the PC version. But as I manage 3 cars/bikes, in different locations, currently all with different firmwares (will be updated during next winter), It append I have the wrong software PC to edit the M800 setup. All software/firmware are 3.5X.

Is there any problems to edit/modify a M800 setup running an older firmware version than the corresponding PC software? The PC ask to update the firmware, but it allows me to edit the setup without updating.


Re: Configuring M800 with different software-firmware

PostPosted: Tue Jul 31, 2012 9:55 am
by stevieturbo
When you install the lastest software on your computer, the program icon on desktop simply links to the latest version .exe file in the V35 folder

If you want to open and use an earlier version, just create a shortcut for it and place it on the desktop.

ie locate the "WinEMP" application in the V23, V33 etc folder and create a shortcut for it and place it on your desktop
Then you can open whichever version you want to use

Re: Configuring M800 with different software-firmware

PostPosted: Tue Jul 31, 2012 10:04 am
by MattW
Our software will run the older firmware no problems. (If it is still version 3.5x, like you stated.)
There is no harm in doing so, but you should consider upgrading when possible.