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DBW Problem..please help!

PostPosted: Fri Jul 20, 2012 8:04 pm
Ok, I have a std DBW throttle on my Impreza race car. During a time attack session last Sunday the throttle just stopped working while I was in the track, I switch off the engine, started again and worked fine. The data logging did not have any errors. This problem insisted all the weekend... after a couple of laps the throttle stopped, switched off and on the engine and worked.. this happened more than 5 times in the same day...rrrr...frustrating indeed!

On the data logging the throttle position log has way too many spikes.

Any help appreciated!!!

Re: DBW Problem..please help!

PostPosted: Sat Jul 21, 2012 11:57 am
by 20B
Are you logging ALL the DBW errors ?
May be some you are missing.
Could be something as simple as a loose pin or loose wiring.
As soon as there is an error it shuts the DBW for your safety.
First you need to find if there is a logged error to chase the possible fault in the hardware or wiring.
Have you setup up the closed and open DBW positions correctly ?
Maybe post up a log file indicating where the DBW drops out so we can have a look through what your logged channels are.
The fact that when you reset the ecu ( turn off car then on again ) means you are clearing the errors and resetting it until it fails again.

Re: DBW Problem..please help!

PostPosted: Wed Jul 25, 2012 10:07 am
by JamieA
Please forward a copy of your logging to so that we can advise you on what is going on.



Re: DBW Problem..please help!

PostPosted: Wed Jul 25, 2012 4:28 pm
Hey Jamie, email sent...please have a look and let me know...thanks a lot!!

Re: DBW Problem..please help!

PostPosted: Thu Jul 26, 2012 4:43 pm
by YuriK
Please send the electronic throttle motor part number to

In the log you've sent you can see that TP channel values are jumping when TP Driver channels valus stay relatively still (3:53 .. 3:58). Please send us a log file where you have all 4 sensors logged: two TP Driver and two TP channels.
