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Can M800 use CAN input data for control value?

PostPosted: Sun Jun 03, 2012 8:07 pm
by Harata R&D

I use M800 for motor cycle.

Handle switch of My motor bike has Up down switch.
The switch is connected to M800 in order to output 2.5V in neutral, 5V in Up and 0V in down.

I wonder if its switch can be used for level select of traction control
and to control level of correction coefficient about IG or FI.

There are 2D logger system in my CAN network.
so I came up with the following idea:

No 1. When Up(Down) bottan is pushed Analog-data outputed by Can from terminal SV(0V) is read by 2D logger.

No 2. If Swctch is Up(5V) and 5V is sent to 2D by CAN, 2D increments arbitrary counter.
If Switch is DN (0V) and 0V is sent to 2D by CAN, 2D decrements arbitrary counter.

No 3. The arbitrary date worked out by No.2 is sent MoTec by Can-ID.
and Motec use the deta for level of date of TC

Could you tell me if M800 can use CAN input data from outside for controlling value ?

Re: Can M800 use CAN input data for control value?

PostPosted: Tue Jun 05, 2012 3:30 pm
by MarkMc
There should be no problem recieving CAN data from an outside source into the M800 but it must be in a format that our ECU can detect.

Generally speaking the CAN data from our data loggers is sent to the ECU as a Compound message with Motorola byte order. I suppose it really would depend on how many channels you wanted to send. Do you have any CAN details from your device?

Re: Can M800 use CAN input data for control value?

PostPosted: Wed Jun 06, 2012 12:44 am
by Harata R&D
Thank you MarkMc.

MY 2Dlogger can sequential send(or recieve) any value as to CAN-ID and position from top of datafield.
I have already succeed that sent to the 2Dlogger with any 24 channels from M800.
But I don't know how to use control value(from 2Dlogger) in M800.
My 2Dlogger can not 3way handshake but maybe can aplly simple CCP.

Would you tell me detail you said "Compound message"?

Re: Can M800 use CAN input data for control value?

PostPosted: Thu Jun 07, 2012 5:57 pm
by MarkMc
A compound message is where the first 2 data bytes are used as an identifier so that one CAN address can have multiple data sets. Of course this leaves just 6 data bytes per identifier.

If you only wanted to send 3 x 16bit (2 byte) channels you could make sure the first 16 data bits were 0 and your second 16 data bits could be your CAN message.

Re: Can M800 use CAN input data for control value?

PostPosted: Fri Jun 08, 2012 1:26 am
by Harata R&D
Thank you MarkMC.

I understand to "compound message".

And next tell me.
How to define of receiving CAN message?(CAN-ID and ID of the first 16 data bits.)
And how to define this value to table axis?

Re: Can M800 use CAN input data for control value?

PostPosted: Tue Sep 01, 2015 12:40 am
by sphilips
Sorry to pull up an old thread.

Is there anyone who has done this? Connect the 2d logger to the m800 and use channels from the 2d in the m800?

Re: Can M800 use CAN input data for control value?

PostPosted: Thu Sep 03, 2015 8:11 am
by PQatPIT
sphilips wrote:Connect the 2d logger to the m800 and use channels from the 2d in the m800?

Can be done but not so easy. Best bet is to contact 2d: