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Speed Limit Request from ADL2 to M880 via CAN

PostPosted: Tue Apr 17, 2012 6:20 am
by Robin Poenisch

I tried to send a Speed Limit Request Signal from ADL2 to M880 via CAN. I configured Digital Input Function 1 to receive the signal from ADL on channel 6. But the switch input does not change when I press the button.
For checking if CAN setup works, I configured User Channel 1 to recevie data from ADL 6 and that works perfekt. I can see the value change from 0 to 1 when I press the button.
What else do I need to setup that the Speed Limiter can be controlled by CAN??


Re: Speed Limit Request from ADL2 to M880 via CAN

PostPosted: Thu Apr 19, 2012 8:05 pm
by AVR Performance
Are you using a Switch/AT input or one of the digital inputs?

Re: Speed Limit Request from ADL2 to M880 via CAN

PostPosted: Thu Apr 19, 2012 10:33 pm
by Robin Poenisch

I'm using an AT-Input which is not physically wired.

Re: Speed Limit Request from ADL2 to M880 via CAN

PostPosted: Fri Apr 20, 2012 7:42 am
by AVR Performance
Go to "view", "raw input values", "ADL" to see what the actual values are when the switch is operated (ie the raw values via CAN from the switch connected to the ADL).

Using these values set the "Lo Level" & "High Level" in the switch setup.

You may have to alter the multiplier/deviser values in the ADL CAN template so that the M880 receives suitable values that the Lo level/high level range of settings can work with.

Re: Speed Limit Request from ADL2 to M880 via CAN

PostPosted: Fri Apr 20, 2012 10:08 am
by Robin Poenisch
okay, thanks for that advise.
but as i wrote, i receive the same CAN channel (just for double checking) in a user channel and there I can see that the M880 receives the correct data.

Re: Speed Limit Request from ADL2 to M880 via CAN

PostPosted: Fri Apr 20, 2012 10:27 am
by Holmz
Robin Poenisch wrote:...
I tried to send a Speed Limit Request Signal from ADL2 to M880 via CAN. I configured Digital Input Function 1 to receive the signal from ADL on channel 6. But the switch input does not change when I press the button.

So the switch input does not change in the M880?

Robin Poenisch wrote:...
For checking if CAN setup works, I configured User Channel 1 to recevie data from ADL 6 and that works perfekt. I can see the value change from 0 to 1 when I press the button.
What else do I need to setup that the Speed Limiter can be controlled by CAN??

So you can see the switch change in the ADL?

Robin Poenisch wrote:okay, thanks for that advise.
But as I wrote, I receive the same CAN channel (just for double checking) in a user channel and there I can see that the M880 receives the correct data.

So you see the speed as OK in the both the M880 and the ADL, but the binary switch is NOT ok in the M880, but it is OK in the ADL?

Re: Speed Limit Request from ADL2 to M880 via CAN

PostPosted: Fri Apr 20, 2012 6:26 pm
by Robin Poenisch
yes, the button is wired to the ADL and I can see it change in the ADL.
I can also see the button change when I receive the value via CAN in a user channel in the M880.
But i can't see the digital input change in the M880.

And the digital input is configured to receive the same data like the user channel. CAN data comes from ADL on channel 6.


Re: Speed Limit Request from ADL2 to M880 via CAN

PostPosted: Fri Apr 20, 2012 8:10 pm
by AVR Performance
What values to you see in the "raw input values" screen in the M880 when the switch is at rest, and also when the switch is activated?

What is the setting for the "Lo Level" and the setting for the "Hi Level" in the switch setup in the M880?

Re: Speed Limit Request from ADL2 to M880 via CAN

PostPosted: Mon Apr 23, 2012 5:40 am
by Robin Poenisch
I tried different setups:
- I sent "0" and "1" from ADL and tried different hi/lo setups in M880
- I sent "0" and "10" and tried different hi/lo setups
- I sent "5" and "10" and tried different hi/lo setups

attached find 2 screenshots where you can see the setup, the raw values and the "Sw In 1" state (on the right)

Re: Speed Limit Request from ADL2 to M880 via CAN

PostPosted: Mon Apr 23, 2012 6:12 pm
by AlanB
Hi Robin, if you send the channel from the dash as 0 or 5000 (ie use a 5000 mulitplier on the CAN scaling) you should find it works fine.

The reason you need to do this is that the ECU is expecting a voltage channel to have 3 decimal places, so if you send a channel which goes from 0 to 1, the ECU will think this is 0.000V and 0.001V.
