Hi All,
I'm using an Aux table on my M800 for dgital switching and I want a little insight to how it behaves (without experimenting).
Let's say I've got it set up to turn a fan on with engine temperature. Now, the Aux table will switch the fan on with a Z-value of >=50 when using a range of 0-100.
Now, if I've got the cells set to zero at 80 degrees, and then set to 100 at 90 degrees, how does the output behave between 80 and 90 degrees?
I've got two scenarios below, which one is true?
1. At 85 degrees, the Z-value jumps from 0 to 100 as the cell swaps from the 80-degree site to the 90-degree site.
2. At 85 degrees, the Z-value is 50 as a 50% linear interpolation between the 80-degree site value of zero and the 90-degree site value of 100.
I'm assuming the more intelligent way (scenario 2) is what actually happens, as this would be more accurate.
The reason I'm asking is that I want to know whether I can use the Z-value to control accurately at which point the output is switched on. To use the above example, I've got my temperature axis set up with ten degree increments. If I want the fan to trigger at 88 degrees, I could set the 80-degree cell to be 0 and the 90-degree cell value to be 63 because a linear interpolation between the two gives a value of 50.4 at 88 degrees. Is this the way it works?