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Ref/Sync Input Impedence

PostPosted: Sat Oct 08, 2011 6:22 am
by rickytcf
I am planning to run M800 with the stock ECU.
The stock ECU is running a 60-2 reluctor signal for REF and single pulse hall for SYNC.

What is the proper way to tap the REF and SYNC signal into M800.
Should I just tap the REF onto the +ve and leave the -ve alone to stock ECU
Should I tap the REF onto the +ve and tap the 0V to -ve?

Is the REF input impedance high enough as not to distort the original signal?
We want to maintain the original signal so the ECU can see proper RPM.


Re: Ref/Sync Input Impedence

PostPosted: Tue Oct 25, 2011 3:23 pm
by MarkMc
You will be able to simply splice the +ive signal into the ref/sync inputs. Make sure the ref is set to magnetic. The sync should be set to Hall as the factory sensor should be able to pull down two pull-up resistors. I would never "tap" into a 0v.

It is a bit hard to say exactly what to do with the earths and 0v's as it can depend on how you wire the system and how the factory system is wired. A recommendation is usually to run all the 0v's from the MoTeC ECU so the fatory ECU is more or less the one with the spliced signal. You are more concerned with what the ECU that is running the engine sees.

Try to have the power and ground from the same source as the factory ECU, or at least the MoTeC earth in the same place.