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E816 comunication problem

PostPosted: Thu Oct 06, 2011 6:01 pm
Ok, I wired up a E816 because I need more AV inputs on my M800. However the E816 and M800 do not communicate.
A strange thing happens though, in the manager, TOOLS/OPTIONS/COMMUNICATIONS menu, when I untick ''ATTEMPT TO CONNECT TO ECU VIA USB CONNECTION' the E816 communicates using the Motec Utilities V1.0 to upgrade the firmware, but obviously the communication between laptop and M800 is lost. When I tick back the 'ATTEMPT TO CONNECT TO ECU VIA USB CONNECTION' and run the E816 UTILITY it says ''UNABLE TO FIND A CAN CONNECTION TO THE DEVICE.

Any help appreciated!!

Re: E816 comunication problem

PostPosted: Fri Oct 07, 2011 3:54 am
by Scott@FP
You need to set up CAN communications between the two, General Setup/Communications/CAN Setup, if data sets 2 and 3 aren't being used try-

CAN 2 Data= 9 (E888/816 Transmit)
CAN 2 Address= 243 (see F1 address list)
CAN 3 Data= 2 (E888/816 Receive)
CAN 3 Address= 240 (see F1 address list)

You can use any of the data sets from 1 to 6, one set will be transmit, one will be receive.

Once this is done you should see the Injector Output Functions tab change to Expander Output Functions. I'm not 100% positive but believe that if you do not wish to use the expander outputs you can turn off E888/816 Transmit, and the Inj Outputs Function will keep the Inj tables associated with the Inj Output channels instead of reassigning the tables to the expander outputs.

Re: E816 comunication problem

PostPosted: Fri Oct 07, 2011 4:43 am
I did the communication set up , however I did the set up only for the 'receive' function, i.e CAN data 2, CAN address 240, i did not set up the transmit function since i did not connect any outputs on the E816, only used for inputs.

Do I have to set up the transmit function nevertheless?


Re: E816 comunication problem

PostPosted: Fri Oct 07, 2011 6:35 am
by Scott@FP
How do you know they aren't communicating? Hook up a sensor to the 816 AV, or a switch to the digital, and assign that channel to a sensor in the M800 sensor setup, on the pulldown menu for sensor input source use the 'Ex A1-16' or 'Ex D1-4' The 'Ex' means its from an expander module on the CAN bus. Alternative if you already have sensors hooked up to the expander is to go into view/raw input values/Ex (analog) and see if values are being transmitted. Easy enough to ground a digital and see if it switches.

oh and where as a normal sensor directly wired to the Mx00 is calibrated in thousandths of volts, expander sensors are in mV. So instead of a MAP sensor cal range of .500v to 4.500v, you need to enter 500(mV) to 4500(mV) in the cal table, the raw value you see come across the CAN bus for an expander analog will be direct 1 to 1 mV. And the 888 transmits TC data in C with a multiplier of 4, raw value of 5000 = 1250C, 0 = 0C.

Keep in mind the expanders do not contain any cal info, they only pass along raw input values to the CAN bus, the calibration info is still in the ECU.