Wheelie control

Discussion and support for MoTeC's previous generation ECUs.

Wheelie control

Postby sphilips on Sat Aug 27, 2011 1:53 am

can anyone help me with setting up a wheeliecontrole with a front suspension damper. I know you can do it with the 'gain comp' but I tried in on the dynometer and it doesn't change a thing on the powercurve.
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Re: Wheelie control

Postby minibiker on Wed Aug 31, 2011 4:28 am

What vehicle is this on and what is your current setup? The more info you can give the easier it is to help :)
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Re: Wheelie control

Postby sphilips on Wed Aug 31, 2011 7:27 am

Now it is on "testbike" honda cbr600f 2001. But I is meant to be mounted on our Cbr1000rr 2009.
I have set the TC settings exactly like I found her the example onto the forum.
Like in this link download/file.php?id=501

I just changed the settings for the gain. Of the damper position, so it has to be active.
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Re: Wheelie control

Postby minibiker on Wed Aug 31, 2011 9:52 am

The setup in that file is correct for the anti wheelie, traction control will cut when a wheelie happens this is due to the front wheel slowing down, this results in the calculated slip increasing sometimes to a very large number depending upon how long the front wheel is in the air. If a negative gain wasn't applied based on the front damper position when this happened the cut would be too harsh and result in the front wheel being slammed down.

How were you testing this on the dyno? Normally the front wheel isn't moving so if you turned TC on it would calculate a large amount of slip and end up applying the maximum amount of cut allowed by the Max power reduction table.
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Re: Wheelie control

Postby Sean on Wed Aug 31, 2011 10:09 am

In my (limited) experience, the traction control does not operate if the ground speed input is zero. On the dyno or on stands in the pits, tc does nothing with the front wheels not turning, in our case anyway.
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Re: Wheelie control

Postby sphilips on Wed Aug 31, 2011 10:12 pm

I thought the wheelie controle only uses the front damper sensor. But like you guys say it my front wheel doesn't turn. I will try this while riding.

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Re: Wheelie control

Postby Sean on Thu Sep 01, 2011 10:03 am

minibiker wrote: If a negative gain wasn't applied based on the front damper position when this happened the cut would be too harsh and result in the front wheel being slammed down.

You do need to be 100% sure that your front damper position sensor is setup and configured correctly, and zeroed in the right spot, so that the negative gain comp is applied at the right time.
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Re: Wheelie control

Postby MarkMc on Thu Sep 01, 2011 5:51 pm

If there is no Ground Speed (actually over 2Km approx) the TC does not work.
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Re: Wheelie control

Postby thorstengsxr on Fri Sep 02, 2011 7:10 pm

i have make a smale look to the m800 file what you have send in your post.
For my understandige the Gaim com1 tabel is to hard.
Im my seetings i reduce the TC for -90% if the front fork goes in top topout spring. This setting make it easyer for the driver to handel tham because the TC don't cut to hard and give the driver the time to switch the next gear and the front wheel comes to the ground very soft. But wheely control is not so easy because the driver must know and understand how it work because if he don't konw this the TC will cut the engine very hard.

regards Thorsten
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