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Speed and Distance

PostPosted: Thu Aug 25, 2011 9:41 am
by insomnia
Hi guys,
With a M800 on my bike i use a gear sensor and a speed sensor on the gearbox output. Works fine.
Now the two questions:
1) in I2 Std i see gear and speed, but when i hit F9 nothing happends. How can i switch between speed
and distance or what's the right way to see both channel ?
2) because i use the OEM speed sensor on the gearbox output, what can i do to have correct speed
if i forget to change the parameters after changing final ratio? (ie after 2 different practice session, i cannot
compare the speed if i change the final ratio...)
Thank for your advice.

Re: Speed and Distance

PostPosted: Fri Aug 26, 2011 6:57 pm
by AlanB
Hi Francois

1) Sounds like you don't have corrected speed and distance set up in i2 Std. You need to make sure you reference the correct channels. I assume you have generated rear wheel speed in the ECU so just point corrected speed to this logged channel. (Tools>Corrected Speed and Distance...)

2) To fix the wheel speeds just apply a scaling factor to the one that is incorrect using the % difference between the used final ratio and the actual final ratio. The scaling factor will only be applied to the incorrect run, the correct one will not change. (right click on channel then Scale/Offset...)

Re: Speed and Distance

PostPosted: Wed Aug 31, 2011 4:53 am
by minibiker
You also need to assign units to the speed channels logged by the M800 in i2 as this information is not included in the channel data because you can calibrate the raw data from the digital inputs in mph or kph.
To do this go to Tools > Channel Mappings and add a mapping, here's an example:
Channel Mapping.JPG
Channel Mapping.JPG (20.49 KiB) Viewed 6313 times

Once you've done this, as Alan mentioned, check to make sure the speed channel appears in the Corrected Speed channel list.

As for applying a scaling factor to a channel i thought this was applied such that it would affect the channel by that name in any open log file, if not that makes life easier.